Are you inspired by slow, simple living? Do you love spending time making dessert from scratch, perusing vintage shops, getting outside in nature, and crafting a handmade home? Then you’re in the right place, friend!

Hi! I’m Lora, farmhouse-restorer, simple living-enthusiast, and digital designer at Giles South Studio. I’m in love with the forests, farmland, and wild shorelines of Georgia like Frodo is in love with his Shire. Prepare yourself, this love leaks out everywhere!

ways to enjoy winter, girl with long hair smiling in gray sweater, southern, marshes, cold, bright, mindful living modern old soul

The Soul of Giles South

Do you feel distracted away from your one wild, beautiful life? Are you caught up in the meaningless trappings of busyness and drama? Around here we talk a lot about slowing down to savor the richness of your very own story, home, and place in our captivating world. We believe in mindful living, analog moments, and taking time to do things the old-fashioned way. This intentional lifestyle helps you not only enjoy your life, but also engage with your life. Engagement happens because you fall in love with the real, and learn to never settle for anything less.

Your Own Kind of Slow

We are not homesteaders. My husband and I have not tossed out our home appliances in favor of washing our clothes in the creek. Let’s be honest, efficiency and convenience are modern marvels that make our lives better! But in this we have found that a ratio high in analog activities over tech-oriented activities improves our quality of life. I adore Pinterest, but I want to build that shed, not just look at it. I love audiobooks, but the feel of paper in my hands is meaningful to me and adds to the reading experience. Choosing analog is not a legalistic practice with us, just an awareness of where we find the most value. This is the fleshing out of our version of a simple, mindful lifestyle.

I’d like to challenge you to do the same. Notice what brings more meaning to your life and then spend more time doing those things. But also stay honest about things that you think should help you slow down and savor your life, but actually feel very empty. Reading books? Long-winded cooking? If it’s not your thing, let it go. And let go of any guilt along with it.

Mindfulness + Handmade Home

Whether in the garden, in the kitchen, or in the middle of a DIY reno, you’ll always find me and my husband working toward a home that looks like us. We’re not most people. Neither are you. I want you to be empowered to make your own home exactly fit your life and reflect the soul of all who live there. This can be a complicated choice when every day TV and social media tell you to need double vanities, stainless steel appliances, and a reclaimed pallet wall. I’m writing this blog to tell you that only you know what you really need and love in a home! At Giles South you will always be encouraged to spend time establishing your real wants and needs, then making them happen. Simplicity found.

Creating Margin

A key part of mindful living is leaving margin in the schedule. Not stacking events, establishing boundaries on social commitments, and being realistic about your to-do list are all practical choices with an immediate positive payoff. This margin you create does two things: it allows you time to be intentional about your priorities (gives a clear “no” on calendar clutter), and it creates room for unplanned awesomeness. Spontaneous walk at the park? Yes! Long conversation over coffee? You bet! Learning to create margin is a refinement process worth your effort because it’s essential to living a life full of fun, meaning, and simplicity! Get ready to make room for your story to unfold!

Your Life, Simplified

Consider Giles South your digital sanctuary, a place where you can slow down, make room, and savor the richness of your real life. Take a breath, friends, and enjoy yourself!

Enjoy binge-reading here on the blog and feel free to join the conversation. Don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram @Giles_South for daily simple living inspiration!

simple living handmade home

In need of a little orderl in your life? Or maybe some analog connection? Check out my printable planning pages and enchanting printable greeting cards at Giles South Studio, my Etsy Shop.

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*All images on this site are original and property of Giles South and Giles South Studio unless otherwise noted. Please do not reproduce without permission. Contact me here for permission requests.

This is an affiliate link-free, sponsorship-free, agenda-free zone. Enjoy!

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simple living handmade home, simple living handmade home, simple living handmade home, simple living handmade home