Every season in my little alcove art studio feels different from the last. I need fresh inspiration and I feel new things start to pull me. Over the spring I concentrated on fresh colors, sunshine, and playful imagery. Now, as we are on the cusp of summer, I’m looking forward to diving into a wilder feel…the colors of secret gardens, tropical foliage, deep mountain lakes. An artist’s summer vision board holds all this inspiration in one highly visible place!

Why the wall?

You may think this analog tool is old-fashioned or outdated. Although Pinterest is my soulmate of the internet, for me, the tangible nature of this vision board is exactly why it’s so effective. The tactile process of clipping magazine pages lets creativity marinate in the mind. Rearranging the images on a wall is an artistic process in and of itself. Then being able to look at a vision board without having to get on my phone keeps the creative flow moving. Try it and see if it works for you!

So here is this summer’s vision board!

artist's summer vision board, art, creativity

Links to Inspire

  1. 1. A gorgeous family art studio (from In Her Studio Magazine)
  2. 2. The alleyways of Charleston, South Carolina
  3. 3. A mossy green home tucked away in the bayou…so much scope for the imagination! (from Garden&Gun Magazine)
  4. 4. The beautiful garden studio of Cindy Hamlin (from Where Women Create Magazine)
  5. 5. Southern travel destinations (from Garden&Gun Magazine)
  6. 6. This sweet little black lab reminds me of our dog, Posie! It’s by a talented St. Augustine artist named Emma Greenhill and I adore her visual storytelling. And how she likes to include animals in her work! (something I want to work on)
  7. 7. The beautiful, clean, and classic cabinets from DeVol Kitchens. These are my goal cabinets!!!

Do you feel a zing of excitement? The process of thinking through what you want to explore, what’s moving you, and what’s engaging you curiosity is a delightful exercise for the intuition. Print magazines are essential when you need some analog inspiration on your patch of drywall!

Some of my favorites to make vision boards from: Magnolia Journal, Artful Blogging, Bella Grace, Frankie, and Origin.

Then the tactile satisfaction of paging through magazines for incredible images that tell the story and push me towards painting it, well, that’s just magic.

Have fun in this creative process, friends! For more home inspiration check out my foyer renovation and my pantry overhaul!

*This post may contain affiliate links. This is not a sponsored post.

artist’s summer vision board artist’s summer vision board

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